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Searching SBW Documents

After Configuring SBW Document Tracking, to search documents tracked, use any of the following ways:

  • Using Dashboard
  • Using eStudio

Using Dashboard

Refer to the Document Tracking section in the Dashboard page to  know how to search SBW documents using Dashboard

Using eStudio

Login to Fiorano Dashboard and perform the following actions:

  1. Click the Fiorano Tools 
     icon and go to Open perspective > Fiorano Tools.
  2. Expand Event Manager and then expand the event process in which the tracked documents need to be searched.
  3. Under the event process, right-click the Tracked Documents node and click Search.

  4. In the SBW Documents Search dialog box, filter the attributes as per requirement to search for the particular tracked docs and click Search.

Descriptions for the SBW Documents Search dialog box are provided as below:

Event Process NameName of the event process for which the tracked documents need to be searched.
Service InstanceSelecting the All Services option returns the entire documents all the microservices involved. If other attributes are not selected, it returns the entire documents for which tracking is enabled irrespective of other attributes.
Port TypePort name where document tracking is configured.
Peer NameName of the peer server where the event process is running.
Use Generation DateSBW documents data can be filtered further by specifying the particular period of time as required. If this option is not selected, it returns the entire documents for which tracking is enabled while considering selected attributes.
SearchClick this option to return the results based on the filter attributes.
ResetResets all options selected above.

Selecting All Applications as Event Process Name and All Services as Service Instances filters the entire documents for all the event processes for which Document Tracking is configured.

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