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Uninstallation Instructions for Linux

To uninstall the Fiorano Platform, perform the actions below:

  1. Open the terminal at $Fiorano_Home/_uninstall and execute the command below to get the wizard page:

  2. Select Uninstall to uninstall the Fiorano platform.
  3. Click Finish to complete the uninstallion process.

After un-installation the following folders will be present in the FIORANO_INSTALLATION_DIR

  • esb
    • esb/server folder contains subfolders bin, jetty, and profiles.
  • _uninstall
  • eStudio folder—contains subfolders Configuration and P2.
  • licenses
  • runtimedata—contains Event Processes, Services etc.

If the data is to be migrated to a different Fiorano installation, backup this folder before starting the migration.

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