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Fiorano Developer Portal Modules


Applications and Products modules in the Fiorano Development Portal provide an interface for developers to register their applications and add different products required respectively. However, these interactions are possible only after logging on to the portal. The sections below explain how to create a user and how to work with applications and products after creating the user.

Launching Developer Portal

To register to Fiorano Developer Portal, use the following URL: 

  • ipaddress - The IP address of the system from which the Developer Portal is being launched.
  • 2020 is the default Jetty server port. This may be changed, as required, in the properties file.

Already registered Developer Users can directly login from the URL


Creating a Developer User

In the registration portal, provide an email ID and a password, and click the Register button to sign up or register a new user.

Figure 1: The Developer user Sign Up or Registration page

A confirmation message appears confirming successful registration.

Figure 2: Confirmation message confirming registration

Logging in

To open the login page, do one of the following:

  • Click the Login Page link in the Registration page (see the figure above).
  • Open the URL <ipaddress>:2020

To log in and go to the Home Page of the Fiorano Developer Portal, provide the credentials as created earlier and click the Login button in the Login page.

Figure 3: Providing credentials in the Login Page

Applications and Products modules can be seen in the Home Page. The User ID (email) by which the developer logs in appears at the upper-right part of the screen saying 'Logged in as'.

Figure 4: Developer Portal Home Page

Editing User Settings

To provide additional details for the user or to change the password, click the User ID ( in the image). The attributes First Name, Last Name, Website URL that can be provided in this page are optional. The email ID can be changed to a preferred one while the Developer ID remains the same as created. After changing the details, click the Save button to apply the changes.

Figure 5: User Settings section to edit details of the Developer User

To change the password, click the change password link against the Password property. Provide the old and new passwords and click the Save button to apply the changes.

Figure 6: Prompts to change password

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