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Shutting Down ESB Server


The FES can be stopped from the Fiorano eStudio or by directly executing a script file located under %INSTALL_DIR%/Fiorano/esb/server/bin directory. Shutting down the Enterprise Server automatically invokes a shutdown hook in the Enterprise Server's JVM which cleans up any resources and connections used by the server's JVM.

Using Fiorano eStudio

The FES can be stopped from Fiorano eStudio only after logging into FES through Fiorano eStudio.

Figure 1: Shutting Down FES

Using Script Files

The Enterprise Server can be shutdown using the shutdown-server script present in <fiorano_installation_dir>/esb/server/bin folder.

Note the following:

  • Shutdown scripts cannot be used to shutdown both primary and secondary servers running in a shared HA mode simultaneously, and using the RMI connection.
  • In case, HA profiles from previous versions are migrated to the current version of the product, these profiles need to be re-configured to specify the BackupRMIServerPort property in order to make use of this functionality.

This script can be used to:

  • Shutdown a Standalone Enterprise Server.
  • Shutdown both the Primary and the Secondary HA servers simultaneously.

Options that can be specified to the script are:

  • -user: Name of user trying to shutdown Fiorano Server
  • -passwd: Password of user trying to shutdown Fiorano Server
  • -restart or –r: Restarts the Fiorano Server
  • -ha: Used to shutdown both active and passive servers running in HA.
  • -url: URL of active Fiorano Enterprise Server
  • -mode: mode of the server, that is, fes or fps. Defaults to value fps.
  • -? or –help: Prints help message


To shutdown standalone Enterprise Server:

shutdown-server -url tsp_tcp://localhost:1947 -user admin -passwd passwd

To shutdown both active/passive enterprise servers in HA:

shutdown-server -url tsp_tcp://localhost:1947 -user admin -passwd passwd -ha

The above examples of shutting down the Enterprise Server(s) involve connecting to an Active Enterprise Server, whose URL is specified using the -url parameter.

The following options can also be specified if a User wants to shutdown the Enterprise Server using the RMI connection.

  • -connectorType: Connection type to server.Pass "RMI" for shutting down servers using RMI connection.
  • -address: IP Address of server
  • -rmiPort: rmi port of server

If the -ha option is given to shutdown both the servers of ha pair, the address and rmiPort options need to be specified for either the primary or the secondary server. This can be used when you are not sure which server of the HA pair is active.


For shutting down the Standalone Server:

shutdown-server -connectorType RMI -user admin -passwd passwd -address localhost -rmiPort 2047

For shutting down both active/passive servers in HA:

shutdown-server -connectorType RMI -user admin -passwd passwd -address localhost -rmiPort 2047 -ha
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