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LDAP Security Realm


LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an application protocol for querying and modifying attributes in directory service providers like Active Directory (AD), which supports LDAP.

Active Directory is a database-based system that provides authentication, directory, policy, and other services in a Windows environment.

This section explains the Access and Layout information pertaining to the directory server, which is required to authenticate and authorize users using LDAP Directory Server.


If the User that is used to connect to the LDAP server has read-only permissions, then create 'admin' user and 'administrator' group manually. By default, Fiorano Server tries to create admin/administrator for internal use.

To use a different User other than Admin/Anonymous to create internal server connections, the user credentials have to be changed in all the places where it is being used. Refer to the Editing configurations after changing Admin Password section for details.

Configuring Fiorano Servers to use LDAP

By default, to store user credentials, file-based datastore is used by Fiorano servers. To use an existing LDAP/AD as a datastore, the same needs to be configured in the server profiles as well, which is explained in the following sections.

If servers are configured with LDAP, then during login, user authentication is done against the details present in the LDAP server. All users that are shown in the Dashboard/eStudio will be fetched from the LDAP server. Any new User/Group that is created gets stored in the LDAP server. By default, admin user and administrator group will be created and added to the LDAP datastore during server startup.

Following are the configuration steps: 

  1. Open the Profile Management perspective in eStudio.
  2. Right-click the Profiles node in the Profile Manager tab and select Load Profile > Fiorano ESB > profile1 > FES.
    1. Go to Fiorano > security > PrincipalManager > NativeFilePrincipalManager.
    2. Select the 'LDAP' option from the Implementation property drop-down in the Properties panel on the right side panel.

    3. In the PrincipalManager node, go to LdapPrincipalManager > DependsOn > TimerService and select 'Fiorano.etc:ServiceType=TimerService,Name=TimerService' from the Instance drop-down.

    4. Go back to the LdapPrincipalManager node and provide the LDAP server configuration in the Properties panel on the right side.

      Descriptions of the attributes are listed below.

LdapProviderUrlLDAP Server's connect URL. "ldap//<ip of server>:389" (389 is the default port for LDAP).
LdapProviderDnPoints to the base domain of LDAP server under which Fiorano Server would create its repository.
PrincipalLDAP server's username. This username will be used to connect to the LDAP server.
credentialsLDAP server's login password.
LdapInitialCtxFactoryClass name for LDAP server's Initial Context Factory to be supplied to Initial Context.
LdapInitialContectDnPoints to the location at which principals would be stored.
LdapSecurityAuthenticationLDAP Security Authentication in use.
LdapPollIntervalInterval (in msec) after which the LDAP server connection is polled. A negative value disables polling.
LdapPrimaryServerReconnectAttemptsNumber of reconnect attempts the LDAP primary server makes.
LdapUserClassTopLDAP User Class Top.
LdapUserClassPersonLDAP User Class Person.
LdapUserClassOrganizationalPersonLDAP User Class Organizational Person.
LdapUserClassInetorgPersonLDAP User Class InetorgPerson.
LdapGroupClassTopLDAP Group Class Top.
LdapGroupClassUniqueNamesLDAP Group Class Unique Name.
LdapGroupClassUniqueMemberLDAP Group Class Unique Member.
LdapUserNameAttributeLDAP User Name.
LdapUserPasswordAttributeLDAP User Password.
LdapGroupNameAttributeLDAP Group name.
LdapGroupUserNameAttributeLDAP Group UserName Attribute.
LdapUserDnLDAP User distinguished name.
LdapGroupDnLDAP Group distinguished name.

Optional Attributes

BackupLdapProviderUrlThe backup LDAP server provider Url, which is tried when the primary LDAP server becomes unavailable.
BackupLdapProviderDnPoints to the base domain of LDAP server under which FMQ would create its repository
BackupPrincipalBackup LDAP server's username. This username will be used to connect to the backup LDAP server.
BackupCredentialBackup LDAP server's login password.
BackupLdapContextInitialCtxFactoryClass name for backup LDAP server's Initial Context Factory to be supplied to Initial Context.
BackupLdapSecurityAuthenticationGet the backup LDAP server security authentication.

Configuring LDAP for AclManager

To use LDAP server to store user permissions, enable LDAP for ACL Manager in the Server profiles by performing the following actions:

  1. Go to Fiorano > security > AclManager > NativeFileBasedAclManager and select the 'LDAP' option from the Implementation drop-down.

  2. In the AclManager node, go to LdapBasedAclManager > DependsOn > TimerService and select 'Fiorano.etc:ServiceType=TimerService,Name=TimerService' from the Instance drop-down.

  3. Go back to the LdapBasedAclManager node and provide the LDAP server configuration in the Properties panel on the right side.

LdapProviderUrl Primary LDAP Server's connect URL. "ldap//<ip of server>:389" (389 is the default port for LDAP).
LdapProviderDnPoints to the base domain of LDAP server under which FMQ would create its repository.
PrincipalLDAP server's username. This username will be used to connect to the LDAP server.
credentialsLDAP server's login password.
LdapInitialCtxFactoryClass name for LDAP server's Initial Context Factory to be supplied to Initial Context.
LdapInitialContectDnPoints to the location at which Acls would be stored.
LdapSecurityAuthenticationLDAP Security Authentication in use.
LdapPollIntervalInterval(in msec) after which the LDAP server connection is polled. Negative value disables polling.
LdapPrimaryServerReconnectAttemptsNumber of reconnect attempts LDAP primary server makes.
AclEntryObjectClassesComma separated object class names for an ACL entry in the LDAP provider.

Optional Attributes

BackupLdapProviderUrlThe backup LDAP server provider Url, which is tried when the primary LDAP server becomes unavailable.
BackupLdapProviderDnPoints to the base domain of LDAP server under which Fiorano Server would create its repository.
BackupPrincipalBackup LDAP server's username. This username will be used to connect to the backup LDAP server.
BackupCredentialBackup LDAP server's login password.
BackupLdapContextInitialCtxFactoryClass name for the backup LDAP server's Initial Context Factory to be supplied to Initial Context.
BackupLdapSecurityAuthenticationGets the backup LDAP server security authentication.
  • In case of HA servers, the LDAP configuration needs to be configured in both Primary and Secondary profiles.
  • Since Enterprise server synchronizes the user data with the peer server, Configuring LDAP for peer server is not required.
  • If credentials of a user are changed, edit all the places where the same is configured. Refer the Editing configurations after changing Admin Password section for details.
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