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Adding New Peer Server


Connecting to the Same Machine

To add a new Peer Server that connects to the Enterprise Server on the same machine, 

  1. Stop the FPS server using which you prefer to create a new profile.
  2. Load the Peer Server profile and save as a new profile using the loaded one.
  3. Change the following port numbers to the ones pertaining to the new server:
    1. JMS port
    2. RMI port
    3. Jetty port

    Change the port numbers from the default profile port to the ports which are not used by any other servers or processes.

Following sections illustrate the above steps elaborately:

All the changes are done from the Profile Manager window (Window > Show View > Other > Fiorano).

Creating New Peer Server

To add a new Peer Server from an existing FPS profile, stop this FPS and follow the steps below:

  1. Load the default FPS profile by right-clicking Profiles node and selecting the preferred FPS profile.
  2. Right-click the FPS node and select SaveAs option. 

    Figure 1: Navigating to save the existing profile with new name

  3. In the Profile Location Dialog that pops up, provide the following values:
    1. Parent Directory: Absolute path of the location where the new profile has to be saved.

      It is always good to create a folder in the location $FIORANO_HOME/esb/server/profiles/ like the "NewProfiles" folder used in the figure below. This helps to save the new profiles in this folder for subsequent requirements.

       Click Browse to choose the location and create a new folder.

    2. Destination Directory: Name of the folder in which the profile needs to be saved.


      Figure 2: Choosing a location, adding a new folder and providing Destination Directory name

      • It is recommended that the new name holds the name "FPS" to identify as a Peer Server profile.
      • The profile name is valid if its letters satisfy any or all of the following criteria:
        • A letter
        • A currency symbol (such as '$')
        • A digit
        • A numeric letter (such as a Roman numeral character)


      Provide the same name as provided for Destination Directory as a best practice.

  4. After clicking OK, a dialog box appears with a message confirming that the profile is saved and whether you wish to load the profile. Click No as both profile names (newly saved and the already existing one) would be identical and may get confused when it gets opened.

    Figure 3: Choosing to load profile or to load later

    You may choose to click 'Yes' also, but 'No' is being chosen as a best practice to avoid confusion while you rename the new profile.

  5. Right-click FPS node and select Close to close the FPS from which the new profile is added (as seen in Figure 1).
  6. Right-click the Profiles node and load the new profile by navigating through the location and finding the name as saved previously (Step 3).

    Figure 4: Navigating to load the new profile
  7. Notice that the profile name appears as "FPS" itself, though the Profile name appears different while loading the profile (see figure above). To provide a new name for identification, right-click the FPS node present in the FPS pane (the panel in the center) and select Rename option.

    Figure 5: Navigating to save the existing profile with new name

  8. Provide a new name in the New Name property under the Rename dialog box.

    As a best practice, provide the same name as provided for Destination Directory.

    The profile name is valid if its letters satisfy any or all of the following criteria:

    • A letter
    • A currency symbol (such as '$')
    • A digit
    • A numeric letter (such as a Roman numeral character)
  9. Right-click FPS node and select Save (or press CTRL+S) to apply the changes and apply the new name as well.

    Figure 6: Saving apply the name change to the new profile

New Profile gets added by this. But, before starting the FPS server, further profile settings required to be done to complete the configuration and thereby enable the new peer server to communicate with the enterprise server. This is explained in the below sections.

Changing Port Names

To facilitate communication between the FPS and Enterprise Server using the respective ports, JMS, RMI and Jetty ports need to be configured. Below sections illustrate each configuration.

JMS Port

JMS port is used to build the socket on Server start up.

To change the JMS port,

  1. Navigate through Fiorano > Socket Adapters > port-1 and select ConnectionManager node.
  2. In the ConnectionManager panel on the right side, replace the Port property with the new one.

    Figure 7: JMS Port Configuration

  3. Right-click new FPS node and select Save (or press CTRL+S) to save the changes.

RMI Port

This is the port on which RMIConnector Server will bind.

To change the RMI port,

  1. Navigate through Fiorano > jmx > connector and select RMIBasedJMXConnector node.
  2. In the RMIBasedJMXConnector panel on the right side, replace the RMIServerPort property property with the new one.

    Figure 8: RMI Port Configuration
  3. Right-click new FPS node and select Save (or press CTRL+S) to save the changes.

Jetty Port

Jetty port returns the port used by the embedded Jetty Server.

To change the Jetty port,

  1. Navigate through Fiorano > Esb > Jetty and select Jetty node.
  2. In the Properties of Jetty panel on the right side, replace the PortNumber property with the new one.

    Figure 9: Jetty Port Configuration
  3. Right-click new FPS node and select Save (or press CTRL+S) to save the changes.

Connecting to a Different Network

If the profile is to be connected to the Enterprise Server running on some other machine, in addition to the above properties, the Enterprise Server properties should be changed in the profile.

Firstly, complete the actions followed in the below sections:

  1. Creating New Peer Server
  2. Changing Port Names

Now, to change the Enterprise Server properties, perform the folowing actions:

  1. Navigate through Fiorano > Esb > Peer > Transport > FPSTransportManager and select EnterpriseServer node.
  2. In the Properties of EnterpriseServer panel on the right side, replace the new property with the new one.

    Figure 10: Enterprise Server Configuration

  3. Right-click new FPS node and select Save (or press CTRL+S) to save the Profile Configuration changes.
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